Udemy Income Report #107 - 12/31/18

Welcome to the morning Udemy Income report! See how I make money on udemy. Follow along and see my stats, learn about my marketing techniques, and see what's working and what isn't working!

* Total Students is different than Total Enrollments because many students enroll in more than one of my courses.
12/28/18 Stats
Courses Sold:23
Money Earned: $115.64
Earnings/Course: $5.03
Reviews: 7
Month To Date: $1,698.82
Total Students: 45,540
Total Enrollments: 112,303

* Total Students is different than Total Enrollments because many students enroll in more than one of my courses.
12/29/18 Stats
Courses Sold: 4
Money Earned: $24.49
Earnings/Course: $6.12
Reviews: 4
Month To Date: $1,723.31
Total Students: 45,545
Total Enrollments: 112,307

* Total Students is different than Total Enrollments because many students enroll in more than one of my courses.
12/30/18 Stats
Courses Sold: 15
Money Earned: $82.32
Earnings/Course: $5.49
Reviews: 4
Month To Date: $1,805.63
Total Students: 45,560
Total Enrollments: 112,322


All right welcome to the Udemy income report it is Monday December 31st New Year's Eve 2018 and a first report back from over the weekend we didn't have a report over the weekend as we usually don't because not a lot usually happens on the weekend but this weekend there was all kinds of great things happening so today's report should be pretty interesting so before we get into it let's look at my you know me profile page udemy.com/user/johnelder3 and we have 45 thousand five hundred and thirty students 37 courses same as last week and 2356 reviews and the highest rated badges are still on those two courses that they were last week so that's very good I like to keep an eye on that and just look at their here real quickly you could see that I pretty much finished adding the new thumbnails with you know the image of me going like this

stupidly and then the little picture next to it so if we scroll through here just very quickly you could see pretty much added them all there's a couple that I didn't add to that like the sequel course has been selling like gangbusters this Ruby programming for everyone is in the younameit for business program you know so that's slightly different so I didn't change it for that one I have some other courses that are also in that program that I did change so I'm sort of running a little test this one is a completely difference not about computer programming or coding in any way so I didn't change that one but for the rest of them I pretty much changed them all a couple other ones that are selling very well at the moment I didn't touch those because you know of course I wouldn't want to do that so let's jump into the numbers so last

Friday Fridays are usually pretty dull but we had twenty three courses sold which is very very good 115 dollars and 64 cents comes to a little over $5 of course which is nice we'd like to see that above five dollars and the reason why this is a little higher than average again is because I'm selling I sent out an email promotion last Thursday I guess and so I'm continuing to get a few sales of those trickle in actually more than a few we'll talk about that in just a minute so refunds to date on that day $108 still well below the 100 to 120 that I usually get per month reviews we had seven which is great we'll look at those in a bit a month to date 1698 and we'll look at these numbers down here one thing I will note is average rating has been down for a few days it bought back up on Saturday to four point five three so that's very nice so

looking at Saturday's numbers Saturday is a sort of an average Saturday for sales for courses sold crappy but you know that's usually how it goes on the weekend twenty-four dollars a forty nine cents that equated to six dollars and twelve cents per course because again I think I had a couple of maybe one or two sales using my promo code from that promo email I sent out last weekend so that's why higher than average their refunds today popped up it looks like four dollars looks like somebody one or two people refunded for reviews we'll look at those in a bit and that's cool so finally Sunday Sunday's are usually a little bit better so like last Sunday was the 23rd so you can see we had 17 courses sold last Sunday we had 15 this Sunday it was pretty good but that came to 82 dollars and 32 cents last week more courses were sold on Sunday

but we brought in less money because this is up and the reason why it's up again is because I'm continuing to see promo email clicks and in sales from that we'll look at that in just a second refunds today popped up Saturday and Sun will looks like Saturday another $4 stay the same on Sunday and we had four reviews so month to date stats let's just look at Sunday's 1805 which is pretty good for December remember I wasn't expecting much from December I was hoping to get a thousand really 1200 900 somewhere around there so this has been really great a lot of this over two hundred dollars two hundred and sixty four to be precise has come from email promotion that I sent out last week and you can see all month we've been bopping around around $80 80 90 and then since then boom we sent that email promo I guess the 27th and it steadily increased so

we've had almost $200 worth of sales just from the promo email that I sent out last week and if you forget what that looked like it was just this happy new-year image and then I want to take a moment to wish you happy holidays and a Happy New Year and all that 999 code and then I just listed all of my courses categorized by the programming language or type of course that it is PS at the bottom like you always do pretty simple so I'm gonna try and keep this rolling I'm gonna send out another email you get two a month I thought I'd used one at the beginning of the month but I hadn't so I can use that now today's the 31st last day of the month so I'm going to squeeze this in here I'm just gonna send out this same exact email with this same exact subject line I'm just gonna change this first paragraph to a last chance to save wanted to remind you

of this email I sent out last week and then just the rest of the email will be exactly the same so I'll let you know tomorrow on the next day probably the next day how well that did and also we'll go back and look at some of the open rates for these as well so what else do we have Oh looking at reviews a few days ago last week we had a really bad one-star review and maybe it was a two-star review from one of my HTML courses and it said something like the video player controls were horrible and the guy lied so I flagged it as abuse and usually when you do that nothing happens but this time much to my surprise almost immediately I got an email back from udemy trust and safety which is the group that oversees those sort of things summer twenty eighth says hi John we recently received your report about this guy's review after a careful

assessment we have decided to remove the review thank you for bringing this matter to our attention kind regards udemy trusted safety so they've removed that review which is fantastic doesn't happen often but when it does I to find when somebody complains about something on udemy that has nothing to do with you they'll remove that right away so all right looking at the reviews we've had quite a few since last since the last report is up at sea so seven four and four so 15 reviews it looks like which is pretty good and you can start with Trevor and well let's pull us up one more time and see it ended with daelin name so five star four star but got to actually construct a website course should have some prerequisites listed it does have prerequisites listed but whatever it's still four star we'll take it five star four star 5

star powerful tools that are taught quickly and easily I believe this course should be form part of any data user or Python slash my sequel users education that's very cool the instructor is easy to understand and each lecture is well thought out and paste that is a fantastic review love it five star four star the explanation is very clear and useful oh and caps whatever it's four and a half star love that and five star with daelin Oh what else do we have one last thing I wanted to mention it is the day before New Year's New Year's Eve and January kicks off the next big promotion for you to me it's their New Year's Eve sale last ten days starting today and you could see it's early in the morning here in Las Vegas that's 8 o'clock a.m. so you can see these December 31st today we're already pulling in these new 2019 New Year coupon codes and

this is a promotion that you know me is running they're running all their ads they're gonna blast it out it's not quite as big a sale as Cyber Monday or Black Friday but is the third easily the third biggest sale that younameit runs in a year and it's nice to have Black Friday Friday Black Friday Cyber Monday in November December is kind of a lull and then bang January they jump right in and start marketing these courses hard and so we're seeing this right now which is very cool so excited about that we'll keep an eye on that let you know tomorrow how it's going may not have a report tomorrow it's New Year's Day you know everybody's got that day off so we'll see if I can manage to get one out maybe a short one early in the morning just to sort of touch base on the 2019 New Year's sale promo and it's going but other than that very

very cool look at these numbers one more time so a very nice weekend 23 so 19 so 40 what 41 42 43 something like that sales over the weekend which is excellent for a weekend fantastic for a December weekend and we're doing pretty good this month all things all things considered so I think that's it for today's report tomorrow we'll look at the the email that I'm about to send the follow-up email to my new year's promo that I sent out myself last week and like I said usually when I send out a follow-up email because they always give you too so I like to send out one and then a follow-up when I can and when I do that usually it's a percentage of the first day's sales are the first email sales so so far the email I sent out last week has made a couple hundred dollars so I would expect this one to make 80 to 120 sometimes they surprise you

though sometimes they do better than the first one it just really sort of depends it depends on so many things what day of the week you send it out what time of the month how receptive your list is how often you've emailed so are they burnt out from hearing from you and those sorts of things one more thing I will mention very quickly udemy also gives you three educational announcements per month and I usually don't do anything with those I'm going to in 2019 start pushing those hard but I haven't yet but today I'm gonna send out one saying Happy New Year's you can't sell anything in the educational announcements you can't market anything they can't be you know salesy in any way they have to just be educational so this one's just gonna say thank you for learning with me thank you for choosing me as your instructor and I might use

that same image that I used with me with the Photoshop stupid New Year's hat I probably used that again and I have no idea what this is going to do if it's going to make any sort of effect whatsoever I'm hoping just sort of tan gently' it'll get my face in front of my customer area in front of my users in front of my students and they might think oh yeah I was gonna take that quart that one course maybe it'll just jog and we'll get something out of it I don't know though there's no real way to track that because we can't attach any coupon codes to that email so but I have three of them available I haven't used any of them and they're about to expire because expire every month so I might as well shoot one out now and it seems like a normal in cool thing to do to send out an email into the air thanking your students for you know learning

with you and wishing them a good new year and all that sort of thing happy holidays so I think I'm gonna do that after I send out the email and we'll talk about that a little bit more tomorrow or whenever the next one of these reports is so my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com thanks for watching if you like this content subscribe below smash the like button hit the little bell button so YouTube notifies you every time I come on we still have no subscribers just the one that I know who it is so it doesn't really count so somebody somebody's subscribe it's gonna be amazing you can say when we have millions of subscribers I was the first one I don't know why you would want to do that but anyway subscribe follow me check out Coursera be calm the blog there has all of these videos listed or you can watch them

on YouTube we will be sending a Facebook group very very quickly very soon in the next day or two hopefully and you can join there as well so we'll see you next time

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