Udemy Income Report #110 - 1/4/19

Welcome to the morning Udemy Income report! See how I make money on udemy. Follow along and see my stats, learn about my marketing techniques, and see what's working and what isn't working!

* Total Students is different than Total Enrollments because many students enroll in more than one of my courses.
1/3/19 Stats
Courses Sold: 25
Money Earned: $80.65
Earnings/Course: $3.23
Reviews: 8
Month To Date: $180.18
Total Students: 45,626
Total Enrollments: 112,436


What's going on guys welcome to the daily udemy income report the show where I talk about making money on you to me walk you through what's working for me and teach you how to do the same thing my name is John elder from Courserapy.com and today is Friday January 4th 2019 in today's episode I want to talk about video production scheduling strategies for you to me but before we do that let's get into yesterday's numbers so yesterday was the third and we had 25 courses sold which is pretty good and that came to eighty dollars and sixty-five cents not bad for a random Thursday at the beginning of the month but look at this courses earned per course down to three dollars and 23 cents again udemy is running this new year's resolution sale and when that happens you just earn less money for course we've talked about this in the last few episodes so refunds to date zero reviews eight we'll take a look at those very quickly here

look at the month to date so far $180 in the first three days of the month pretty good fifty four courses sold total 19 reviews total no promotional activity again I'm gonna do my next promo email probably at the end of this month and one hundred twelve thousand four hundred thirty six total enrollments and my average rating popped back down to five four point five two it fluctuates between four point five two and four point five three it seems like and that's just I guess the way it's gonna be so really quickly before we get into everything else I'm gonna look at here is the third and you can't see it on my screen and I'm gonna pull up a calculator and a week before that was the 27th and a week before that was the 20th so if we look at the 27th right here we had 31 sales and if we look at the 20th we had 18 and the reason

I like to do that I always like to look back a couple of weeks for you know did what do we do on this same day last week what do we do on this same day two weeks ago so you know you start to see trends in what days do and part of that is because of you Tamizh internal promotion and marketing that they do some of it is just psychology you know if you're teaching a certain thing those people are just online buying at certain times you know in you'll never know exactly but it's nice to sort of benchmark your progress against other days so I kind of to do that so that's it for the numbers now taking a quick look at my enemy profile page udemy.com /user 4 it's less John elder 3 we have total 45,000 619 students the same 37 courses and 2380 reviews the big thing I want to look at though is this best seller badge we got this yesterday

in our post-grad course which is fantastic not a huge spike in sales you know I've noticed lately that the course is selling a little bit more than usual and that's just sort of stayed the same it's still selling a little more than usual I haven't seen a dramatic spike up since this best seller badge but I'll keep an eye on it for sure the other two highest rating badges this course and this course down here are still the same like to keep track of that every day just to make sure that everything's still going well with them these badges come and go especially the highest rated as people review your courses differently if you get a couple of bad reviews obviously the highest rated badge will disappear if somebody else's course gets some good reviews you know they'll take that badge so it's good to sort of keep an eye on that

so alright let's look at reviews really quickly here so Sven was the last one yesterday and lanced he last one today so let's go ahead and just pull this up so there's fen so ok so Martin five stars pretty good and let's go back to page one here and who is the last one Lance okay so fabio five stars five stars great course Weston five stars a good introduction to this programming language I like that the modules were usually less than five minutes that's what I do with my videos I try to keep them less than five minutes between three and six usually and that's something that udemy recommends keep them short and to the point I focus on one thing per video and you know you can explain most things at five minutes unless you're doing something wrong so in length and we're presented in an easy clear straightforward manner John

is easy to understand and you could tell that he really enjoys the topics he teaches coding exercises I don't know if that is part of the roadmap but it might be good for people like me to be given some homework and then be able to review in the next lesson I think a hands-on application is best to reinforcing Lisbon talk great course expectations met and even exceeding I don't do homework I don't do coding you know homework because nobody likes homework you know there's a percentage of people that think I'm taking a course I should be having homework but in reality nobody wants homework did you like homework in school no you wanted as adult oh that's my view so I don't have assignments and things like that in my courses I never have I never will Pedro four or five stars I like this Court of course format very much short concise

and focused it is easy is way easier to consume than those huge courses with 40 plus hours of video which are just daunting now this is funny because this is what we're going to talk about in today's episode course production schedules how often should you produce courses how often should you release courses should they be huge courses or short courses obviously short courses you can pump out quicker long courses take you longer to produce therefore you can't release them as often so we're gonna talk about that in just a minute Brent three-stars bad review very short could use a project or two well Brent you know you knew exactly how long it was when you bought it it's listed on the order page two hours long 24 episodes recorded videos so I don't know what you're expecting three and a half stars that is not a great review Lance five stars

okay so Lance was the last one alright so done with all the stats and things in today's episode I want to talk like I said about production and releasing the schedule use for your courses now you to me back in the day you could get away with having one course and a lot of people did that especially back at the beginning because there weren't many instructors on udemy there aren't many courses udemy could focus all of their marketing on your one course and when I started I built one course and it made a lot of it probably made it's made over over ten thousand dollars in the last year or two couple of years and for the longest time it was the only course I had but that does not work anymore you have to have multiple courses on udemy in order to make good money because that's just how they're set up udemy wants to sell over and

over and over again they want to sell once they get a customer a student they want to continue selling courses to that student because they make more money and that's what their marketing is focused towards selling more courses if you only have one course you're not used to them though you know and you're no use to yourself - if everyone buys your course then what you're just done you know sure over time more students will come in and you'll get a trickle but that's no way to run a business so with you to me especially now 2018 and 19 we're in nineteen now the order of the day is to create as many courses as you can now you see I have 37 I'm working on 38 right now it'll be done in a few days I haven't released a course in a while because December has been holidays and you know I was sick for a while I had the flu vacation time

family you know it's just been correct kind of a wild time November was the Cyber Monday Black Friday sales so there's a lot of marketing going on so I didn't release a course then so it's been a little while since I released a course but personally my internal schedule is to release a course every two weeks that's what I aim for I could do a course every week but that's really pushing it I have to work on the weekends and nights and really you know after three or four months of that you just exhausted so I have set sort of an internal goal of doing a course every two weeks now you can't do a huge course with 60 hours of content 40 hours of content in two weeks you can't my courses tend to be around two to three hours usually closer to two hours sometimes two and a half hours and that usually comes to 20 to 25 sometimes 30 videos that are

you know five minutes long you can do the math that's what I find is fantastic it's the sweet spot for me but then you get reviews like well this is not a 60 hour course well no it's not they're those you see those and a lot of times those are the best-selling courses the huge ones but here's my thought process a 60 hour course is gonna take you six months to make it just is you know I make a two hour course and it takes two weeks do the math how long would it take me to do a sixty hour course a long time months in that time you're not earning any income you're just you have nothing out you're just working on this one course you know saint's assuming it's your first course then you release it what happens maybe it does well maybe it doesn't what if it tanks horses tank all the time every second or third course I make does poorly you know

there's no rhyme or reason and if you spent the last six months making a course that people aren't interested in that there's no market for you've just wasted six months you have nothing to show for it instead I recommend doing what I do release of course every couple of weeks now you could do the same 60 hour course the same content but break it up into multiple courses so you make the first course that's two hours it's the first two hours of that 60 hour content release it what do you do you start to get students you start to build a following you get to see how the market reacts are people interested are they engaged are they watching the videos do they like what they see are they angry about something they'll tell you in the reviews if you're doing something bad but you can switch it up you can change it for the next course

without having invested six months of your time into guess I hope this works just a big huge guess so release that first course it's a couple hours start to build a following then when you release the next two hour chunk in a separate different course you can sell that second course to the people who have taken your first course you have a built in market ready you can send out the udemy promotional announcements the udemy gives you two each month and you could sell to them and a percentage will buy and then a percentage of other people that didn't buy the first course will buy the second course and by the third or fourth course she release you'll start to steamroll your following will grow and grow and grow it'll multiply and multiply it becomes easier to sell next courses because you have that built in a group of people who are

they like you as an instructor they're waiting for your next course they're looking forward to it and they're ready to buy then once you've had once you have a handful of these courses that are all related you start to get network effects from you to me you know me starts really marketing your courses because sort of towards the end of 2018 we started to see you to me selling batches of courses so they really started to focus on their sales pages of listing so you go to your page let's just go to one here let's go to this Jango one we open it up well this is gonna go to my instructor page I have to open it in incognito it's just open link in incognito window alrighty where are we go my other monitor let's pull this over do a little resize e thing here real quickly ok so this is just a random Jango course of mine so if you

scroll down this is the sales page up a look at this they've got four of my other courses they're also selling now is that this didn't used to be then they have this look frequently bought together these are both my courses and you can click here to buy both of them at the same time they really started pushing this sort of thing in sort of sort of the second third and fourth quarter 2018 and I'm seeing in my reports this happens a lot people buy one course and in three four other ones two three other ones or two other ones you know and so the more courses you have the more that you're gonna sell because of this so you just you absolutely have to do that these days you have to sell multiple courses now you're releasing a course every couple of weeks six months goes by instead of having one big course with a question mark

over it is it going to sell you have ten fifteen twenty courses have built up a following know exactly what they want what they're looking for because they've told you you've released content tailored to them you started tweaking your your course creation to you know focus on what they're asking for and by the end you've released all of these courses you've made a pile of money you have a loyal rabid follower a group of followers that love what you do and they're willing to take your courses and you have a real business or you could have spent that six months doing nothing but building your one course and then you release it maybe it does well I guarantee you're not going to make as much money as the six months prior releasing a course at a time every two weeks making a thousand dollars per course per you know month for all that time you're never going to catch up with that then guess what there's nothing stopping you from

taking all of those little snippets and compiling them into one major massive complete course that is 60 hours you can do that you own your content you can bundle courses with you to me you just have to make you just have to be what's the word explicit you have to say this is a bundle of all my other courses or whatever you can do that and so you can have the big huge 60 hour course and you know pop it up into chunks and people always say well what if your customers find out they bought the chunks and now they're also buying that you know when they could have you know they bought ten little courses when they could have bought one for one nine dollar price on them all guess what nobody's ever going to connect those dots or if they do so what little pissed got their money you know you know that's just it that you know you've already got

their money is it ethical yeah it's ethical people do bundles all the time walmart sells bundles all the time you can buy the little package a toilet paper or you can buy the hundred roll package it's not unethical for them to sell the hundred roll package when they have the four pack you can do that you can mix and match people want different price points people want different you know things some people don't want to sit through a 60 hour course and they want the little ones there's all kinds of justifications for doing this but the end of the day the bottom line is you're gonna make a lot more money doing that so that's what I recommend you doing that's what I do i plus here's another fun thing let's go let's go to the search here and just type in Django let's see what comes up oh look here's the course of mine here's a course

of mine here's a course of mine oh here's another course of mine this is the first page of the reserve the results for Jango and I own one two three four spots here right what's the percentage you think or the probability that people are going to sign up for my courses versus somebody else if they're searching for Django they're gonna see this ugly face all over the place and oh look there's a highest rated badge this guy must be good now what if I only have one course well this would be me right here say that lowers the odds of me selling a course if I just have one little spot but here I have four so I mean I think I've proven to you you should absolutely always sell smaller courses more often it's just all benefit all upside there's no downside to doing that that's the way to go especially in 2019 you don't even with

their marketing practices and their focus they want to sell more courses give them more courses that's what it comes down to so that's it for today's report if you like this episode be sure to smash the like button below subscribe to the channel and check out Courserapy.com for more tips tricks and online course awesomeness my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com and we'll see you again next Monday morning for the daily udemy income report.

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