Udemy Income Report #113 - 1/8/19

Welcome to the morning Udemy Income report! See how I make money on udemy. Follow along and see my stats, learn about my marketing techniques, and see what's working and what isn't working!

* Total Students is different than Total Enrollments because many students enroll in more than one of my courses.
1/7/19 Stats
Courses Sold: 20
Money Earned: $72.95
Earnings/Course: $3.65
Reviews: 5
Month To Date: $485.15
Total Students: 45,707
Total Enrollments: 112,531

Sound Foam Options:
Accoustic Panels Studio Foam Wedges
Mainstays Mattress Topper


what's going on guys welcome to the daily udemy income report show where I talk about making money on you to me walk you through what's working for me teach you how to do the same thing my name is John elder from Courserapy.com and today is Tuesday January 8th 8th 8th 2019 in today's episode I want to talk a little bit about home studio recording wall treatments you know get rid of echo and things like that but before we do that let's take a quick look at yesterday's numbers so yesterday was the 7th we had 20 courses sold $72.95 comes to three dollars and sixty-five cents per course which is still down a little bit but what we expect while udemy runs its sales refunds to date stayed the same we had five reviews and we'll look at those in just a bit month to date sales there you go of course it's sold 135 so far 45 reviews

promotional activities stay the same at 30 dollars and 31 cents of course that's what we expect you know I'm not going to run a promotion towards till towards the end of the month probably until enrollments 112,000 531 so let's look at my you to me profile page really quickly udemy.com/user/johnelder3 we had forty five thousand six hundred and ninety three students thirty-seven courses and twenty four hundred and three reviews and the big thing we want to look at as we've been looking at lately is this best seller badge is still there which is great we like to see that this highest rated badge is still there and still this course down here the Django user authentication has still continued to lose its highest-rated course we hope to see that bought back soon but so far it hasn't happened so we'll keep an eye on that so for the

rest of this video I want to spend a little bit of time talking about home studio recording environments so yesterday I talked about microphones and the audio equipment that I use that's sort of most of the story but there's a bit more and that is your home studio recording area environment whatever place you set aside to record your videos in and I'm in right now I mentioned yesterday has a little bit echo now I talked about this microphone that I have it helps a whole lot but there was still echo I still pick it up a little bit of reverb even with the nicer microphone and that's because sound bounces off walls and especially if you're in a smaller room that can be a problem so I'm gonna talk in this video about what I did to sort of solve that problem and what you can do too so the first thing I did was it's gonna be seem

funny but I went over to Walmart and I bought these mattress toppers right there foam mattress toppers and this one this is the first one I bought it was a twin size one cost nine bucks I bought a couple of them two or three of them so less than 30 bucks I spent and then I just brought them home and cut them into strips and then just take them up onto the wall and you know you can sort of see if I I click on here and we zoom in no but they're sort of like egg shell shaped egg crate shaped there's bumps and ridges and things and what this does especially since it's foam it traps the sound and it keeps it from bouncing ricocheting back and forth on your wall which is what causes echo so this actually worked pretty good but and it was super cheap the problem is within a few months it started to turn yellow now I don't smoke nobody in

my house smokes but they still started to turn yellow as if somebody was smoking by them you know kind of nasty looking so it worked very well worked fine they're just ugly so if you're on a budget and you want you know you need to fix your echo this is a great way to do it now I cut it into strips about you know foot and a half 2 foot wide by you know 2 to 3 feet long and so you need several of these you don't have to cover your entire wall you just have to cover spaces and so you know I kind of spaced them out as aiming evenly as I could there's a couple of feet between each one they you know you want to aim to sort of hover forty to sixty percent of your wall right that'll do it that's all you have to do you can maybe even get around get along with less than that but that's what you want to aim for so this worked well for a while

but you know they started to turn yellow ah it's just not professional they're dragged to look at it day in day out I work all day every day I don't want to stare at these things every day so eventually I moved to these and I'll put a link in the description to these on Amazon and these are sort of professional sound foam and you can see there are twelve by twelve squares and they have them all touching together I didn't do them like that I did them in let's say I have two and three so two squares and three which is basically you see right here one two and then one two three and I place them in intervals all the way across my my wall so behind me is the green screen I didn't put any there but in front of me and on the side of me I covered the walls you know 60 to 80 percent of the wall and so it took me five or six of these packs there

are only seventeen dollars so it was around a hundred dollars it cost me I bought some 3m double-sided tape cost like five bucks for a pack of it and that's what I use to tape it to the walls and it immediately cut out all echo all reverb all everything and it gives you a really nice sound so this is great if you live in a noisy neighborhood this will help dampen the noise outside of your recording studio your office it's good for if you're picking up echo just from your own voice it will cut down on that and they look really nice too so it's kind of professional and gives it like a recording studio type vibe which is really kind of cool they're nice to look at all day and they work fantastically so these are the twelve by twelve and they're one-inch you can buy two-inch which is thicker I was gonna do that but I thought I

could probably get away with a one-inch because the padding that I bought from Walmart it says 1.25 inches but it wasn't that thick it was half that at the most so I figured actually one inches would be more than enough and I was that was correct so I bought the black there's all different colors you know you can do all kinds of different things be creative whatever you want it's very cool and people tend to over do this you don't have to put like I said you don't have to cover your entire wall with these things you can put you know two packs of these on a big wall and it's probably gonna be enough you just have to sort of think it through and think about your voice where's the sound going well it's going straight in front of you and it's hitting that wall so put some foam there then it's gonna bounce you know over there or it might

bounce up there so I'll put some up there try and figure out where the sounds gonna move now of course as soon as you put the foam in front of you it's gonna defuse the sound into a different area so you may have to do a little trial and error to see or you could do what I did and just cover most of the wall you don't want to cover the whole wall because that will deaden sound completely and it sounds unnatural so you want some actual wall to be showing because it just sounds better it's the way you want it to sound so yeah kind of interesting in the last place I lived I didn't do this at all but like I said yesterday I had a very big room and I had a line with bookcases and those books in the bookcases did basically the same thing it was sound dampening material a book so that works too you can drape big heavy blankets around if you know

you don't have any money for these foam pads but you have some heavy blankets hang off on the wall see that that could work too so you'll be amazed just how well this sort of dampens the echo removes it completely and gives you a more professional sounding audio and video so that's it for today's report if you liked this episode be sure to smash the like button below subscribe to the channel and check out Courserapy.com for more tips tricks and online course awesomeness my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com and I'll see you again tomorrow morning.

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