#120 How To Create A Udemy Promotional Email That Sells!

Welcome to the morning Udemy Income report! See how I make money on udemy. Follow along and see my stats, learn about my marketing techniques, and see what's working and what isn't working!

* Total Students is different than Total Enrollments because many students enroll in more than one of my courses.
1/16/19 Stats
Courses Sold: 32
Money Earned: $161.28
Earnings/Course: $5.04
Reviews: 9
Month To Date: $1,331.30
Total Students: 45,928
Total Enrollments: 112,740


What's going on guys welcome to the daily you to me income report the show where I talk about making money on you to me walk you through what's working for me and teach you how to do the same thing my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com and today is Thursday January 17th 2019 in today's episode I want to talk about the promo email that I sent out yesterday look at how I crafted it how I created it the results that I got from it and sort of things you can do to sort of mirror that but before we do that let's get into yesterday's numbers so yesterday was the 16th we had 32 courses sold and made 160 $1.28 which is phenomenal especially compared to the day before that came to five dollars and four cents of course edging up a little bit higher than the average 3 something that we've been seeing lately a refunds jumped up five I think yesterday three of them were for the same person you

know people often buy a bunch of courses and then find them on sale and refund all of them or whatever one was from a cereal refund or somebody that buys all my courses then refunds them obviously a crook and the other one is just a refund so we are over halfway through the month and I usually get around 100 to 120 dollars or refunds a month so $57 at this point in the in the month is right on track of what we to expect 9 reviews we'll look at those in just a bit month to date sales 1330 $1.30 pretty good 356 courses sold so far this month 134 reviews promotional activity like I said yesterday I sent out a promo email and five people yesterday I signed up for another person signed up for it this morning but I haven't added those into the stats yet because we'll look at that tomorrow but so that's about 43 dollars of additional income yesterday alone from the promo

email pretty good total enrollment 112 thousand seven hundred forty and we're still at four point five to four the average rating now we made forty-three dollars on the promo email and $161 altogether so if you want to subtract off the 40 from the 160 we still made one hundred fifteen hundred twenty dollars yesterday just on you nummies regular promotion and that's because we're seeing that two thousand whatever top-rated promo code that I mentioned a couple times in the last episode couple episodes that kicked in to a higher degree yesterday so that certainly helped that so looking at my you know my profile page udemy.com/user/johnelder3 we could see forty five thousand eight hundred ninety students thirty-seven courses two thousand four hundred eighty four reviews and we still have the bestseller badge on our post grads course which is fantastic i always want to keep

an eye on that the last two courses that were the highest-rated are still no longer the highest-rated both of them have lost their badge so let's see what else do we have let's look at reviews real quickly so we had nine yesterday four half stars four and a half stars i did the python parts very good for beginners or to refresh the memory on python awesome four stars five stars five stars and someone i don't really want to look at this was a three star and actually it was two star yesterday I think it's been updated to a three star but look what this guy said this is a pretty out of date with the AWS cloud nine acquisition getting from the video description to reality is a bit frustrating so I used to use this Ruby on Rails online editor right and it was fantastic and I used it because all my students could use it too and it was free and so they could follow along with

exactly what I was doing because Ruby on Rails is hard to install it it messes up a lot of beginners so that just took care of that problem that worked for a while but then amazon.com bought that company and they converted it into their own AWS thing and the thing they converted it into is terrible it's hard to use it's frustrating it's impossible for beginners and it cost money so I have to go back to all my videos and say this happened Amazon bought this company they changed it but luckily they offer an old version that you can sign up through something called an education account and I have an education account so you can sign up through this link that I give you it's still totally free it's still exactly the same as the videos so do that do not use the AWS right I say that every once in a while I get some Yahoo that goes and uses the AWS and then complains I can't

use it it's too hard I don't know this is a sham I paid money for this course and I can't even follow along and this is what this person has done they're complaining about that because they didn't listen I explicitly say a couple of times very and I even say listen to me don't use AWS some of you are going to don't you know I'm very upfront about it but still some Yahoo's just every once in a while I'll do that so they they put a bad review and they said exactly that and so I I don't often reply publicly because you could see these replies publicly everybody can see this but in this case I said ice as I state in the videos you should not use AWS instead use the education account at c9 which is exactly the same as the videos I emailed this also the same thing to the person maybe that's why he changed it to a three from a two you know it's frustrating because I did absolutely

nothing wrong and I'm honest for that and that it just happens so that's all I'm gonna think about it or look at it I'll put it out of my mind but I just wanted to show you that that's usually what I do when that happens and things like that happen I will respond and sometimes they'll they'll change it most of the time they don't just how it is so five stars Oh three stars that's a terrible review five stars and this is the last one so these are pretty good finally the last thing I want to look at is those videos of mine that were pirated two days ago are still up on YouTube this is the longest I've ever had to wait so I'll keep an eye on them we'll look at them tomorrow hopefully they'll be gone if they're not gone by tomorrow I'm gonna contact YouTube and file my own privacy piracy claim DMCA takedown request or whatever myself and have them taken down but yeah weird so in

today's episode I want to talk about the promo email that I sent out yesterday so the last promo email I sent out at the end of December did very very well made a couple hundred dollars and I really didn't expect the promo emails that I send out this month to do very well because all month long you know me has been running sales for cheap courses and everybody's been inundated with those those sale prices so I've been waiting to do it till they finished those sales which they say they finished the big one but now we're seeing this other top-rated one so I might have wanted to wait another week or so to do this and I didn't but I have to you get 2 promo emails per month so this is the first one I'll probably wait till next week to say the 17th so next maybe next Tuesday the 22nd or maybe even though I might even wait till the 29th to send out my next promo email usually I

sentiment one to punches you know the first one is the first one and then the second one is like a reminder hey did you see the first one if you missed it here it is type of thing so this is the email that I sent out I am a huge fan if especially if you're branding yourself in your videos if you're a talking head in your videos and your students recognize you put a picture of yourself in these promo videos because students especially these days they get slammed with dozens of these emails every you know every week every time they sign up a course now for the rest of their lives they're gonna get these promo emails at 2 a month per instructor per course so you know you have to differentiate yourself and putting a picture of yourself definitely does this now this is kind of a snarky little picture I put and the whole concept of this email is alright everybody makes a new

year's resolution nobody really follows through it's been a couple of weeks now have you followed through with your new year's resolution of course you haven't so that's the theme of this email so the subject is how's your new year's resolution going and then I put my name John elder so I might have also put go to me.com because all my videos are branded coda my comm so I made it I whipped up this little image really quickly it's just me standing in front of a green screen and I'm like did you you know have you done your new year's resolutions you know so and then I put this little headline how's that new year's resolution going so far question mark right so then I started out if you're anything like me or New Year's resolutions have already gone out the window I thought it was important to sort of put myself in that same spot I'm not shaking my finger at you because you

didn't do your new year's resolution I'm shaking my finger at myself because like you I didn't do my new year's resolutions either that's not true actually I have done my new year's resolutions how's that true I didn't really have a new year's resolution technically so whatever so anyway if you're anything like me your new year's resolutions have already gone out the window but it's not too late to get back on track if you wanted to learn to code in 2019 but still haven't taken haven't yet taken that first step now's the time don't let resolution season pass you by I don't know we're all in this together so I'm offering a discount of over 97 percent off all my coding courses to help you get back on track grab any of my courses below for just $9.99 each and then I list all my courses like I always do and I like to break them apart by sort of category here we have HTML CSS and boots

trap you have Django and Python for a Python programming on its own Ruby on Rails and Ruby database stuff JavaScript PHP and all the rest and there's a reason why over 45,000 of you have taken my courses it's never cheaper than right now to learn a new skill and change your life now is the time to actually keep your new year's resolution you've already waited too long resolution season is passing you by let's do this let's learn to code a little cheesy but whatever a general or Co coding mean I can't learn to code ACOTA me PS you always put a PS in your your emails promo emails regular emails anytime you're selling something I always put a PS because some people just skip down to the end and they'll read the PS it's just a fact so PS take advantage of this offer to grab any of my courses for just $9.99 using coupon code John elder in the PS I always reiterate the main thing

write the whole thing of this the whole point of this is my courses are all on sale for $9.99 so that's what I ate reiterate I guess in the PS and that's it so pretty good so far we don't I was - is it too early to see open rates well we can look through by course suppose but maybe I'm getting messages maybe too early let's look at the database 1c so come down to Communications promo emails and I sent this out to all of my courses yeah the open rates so far low it may be too soon yet the open rates are you know the numbers are stuck in with you but look at the click-through rate 21% that is fantastic and let's go back here and look at that other one click you're a four point one person it's still pretty good even though the open rate is not great so the open rate I'm seeing if this doesn't get any better this tells me that the subject line was not good right so in my

follow-up email I'll pick a different subject to test right and I have a bunch of follow-up subject lines that I've used in the past that have worked so maybe I'll pull one of those or something like that but anyway it's just so important for you to have a routine and a schedule for these promo emails and to keep track and to track so it's like I said I have a bunch of subject lines that I've used in the past that I know work so in the future I can use those subject lines so you need to be doing things like that this is how you learn is how you make money over time on udemy and we can see I mean this only made 43 dollars yesterday but it really made a difference to the sales for the day or up to one hundred sixty one dollars this is one of our best days yet here we had 175 yeah I mean 205 189 so since we've been tracking this for this this channel this is one of the highest days

we've had it's just a random Wednesday in January so that's a pretty good testament to the power of promo emails and you'll get better at them over time learn copywriting that when you send out an email you're doing something called copywriting you're writing copy copy is something that sells it sells something to somebody using words and there's a science to it an art and a science so if you don't understand or you don't know what that is Google copywriting and find some free tutorials and start reading there's some books you can read tested advertising methods is a good one my life in advertising by Claude Hopkins is you can get it you can find it for free in PDF version all over the Internet or you just buy it from Amazon for like ten bucks buy that book read it it will change your life he also has a scientific advertising and and often they're sold together and a little bundle

the scientific advertising is not as good it it's more technical and my life in advertising is more of a story that he teaches through so read them both are very good you can pick them up both for 10 15 bucks on Amazon you can find them free online all over the place if you want to do that but learn how to write copy and start sending out these promo emails and you know if you hit it right you can dramatically increase your your revenue so that's it for today's report if you liked this episode one see more like it be sure to smash the like button below subscribe to the channel and check out Courserapy.com for more tips tricks and online course awesomeness my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com and we'll see you again tomorrow morning.

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