#133 What To Do When Other Companies Want To Sell Your Videos

Welcome to the morning Udemy Income report! See how I make money on udemy. Follow along and see my stats, learn about my marketing techniques, and see what's working and what isn't working!

* Total Students is different than Total Enrollments because many students enroll in more than one of my courses.
2/4/19 Stats
Courses Sold: 12
Money Earned: $60.92
Earnings/Course: $5.08
Reviews: 4
Month To Date: $160.88
Total Students: 46,165
Total Enrollments: 113,041


What's going on guys John Elder here from Courserapy.com and in this episode I want to talk about what you should do when you're approached by other companies to sell your videos welcome to daily reports show where I talked about making money on you to me walk you through what's working for me and teach you how to do the same thing my name is John elder from core Surrey be calm and today is Tuesday February 5th 2019 cold windy day here in Las Vegas Oh terrible and in this episode I want to talk about what you should do when other companies approach you to sell your videos it's gonna happen a lot you're very public when you're on you to me and other companies will get in touch with you and that's what I'm going to talk about in this episode but before we do that let's take a look at the numbers from yesterday so yesterday was the fourth and we had 12 courses sell not

bad a little bit better than the previous weekend sixty dollars and 92 cents earned and that came to five dollars and eight cents per course so we'll take a look at this in just a second thirteen dollars and fifty two cents still for the refunds that hasn't changed only for reviews we'll take a look at those in just a minute month to date that brings us to 160 dollars and eighty eight cents definitely better than it has been but still early days see the 31 courses sold month today 24 reviews at ten dollars and 56 in promotional activity we haven't actually run any promos yet so that's nice to see total enrollments hundred thirteen thousand hundred one hundred and twenty two like that and average rating has slipped a little bit again to four point four nine I think that's not a big deal because that's gonna turn around soon we've been getting some good

reviews the last day or two which we'll take a look at real quick one more thing I want to note today this morning udemy for business came in from last month and you remember you to me for business is the business version of udemy and you get paid per minute of courses watched so the more minutes that people watch of courses the more money you make and it doesn't show up throughout the month how much you're making or even how much people are watching it only shows up four or five days after the month is ended then they run all the calculations split the pot evenly and that's your distribution so this one's we've got two hundred eleven dollars and sixty nine cents which is really really nice and very actually surprising because the month before we've made ninety five dollars and the month before that we made like a hundred and ten or something like that and

then the month before that we made like sixty which was the very first month that I was in this program so that first month will I made sixty because I was only in the month I was only in the program for like half the month and I was like okay no big deal and then the month after that we made like 110 or hundred twenty or something like that I'm like okay that's alright then the month after that we made ninety five which was less so I'm like okay this is stupid I'm not gonna make any money with that I had sort of written the whole thing off and then this month we get two hundred and eleven sixty nine and we can take a look at that in just a second but that brings the total income for January up to almost $2,600 which is a very nice little surprise and really very cool so let's take a quick look at my you to me profile page udemy.com /user /john older three and we could

see forty six thousand one hundred seventy three students there are some courses and two thousand five hundred and ninety one reviews the big thing to see is all of our badges have still continued to be gone so we're just starting off February without any badges basically so we'll keep an eye on that and see how it goes taking a look quickly at the reviews we only had four so the first one 5 stars dear sir I need more Python and Django professional courses from you you know how to teach students your teaching method is the best one I want to learn more from your courses please help me to do that that is a great review very nice to see that four and a half stars for this one I'm pretty good 5 stars great love it yeah and finally five stars from Dominic very clear instruction informal short videos John makes learning programming a breeze so we're starting to get

some really good reviews they've been a little iffy the last few days so I'm glad to see that now let's look at the revenue report very quickly from last month we can see January if we come down here to you to me for business we see that 211 and we can break this down six thousand seven hundred three minutes consumed most of that it looks like came from these two courses Python and JavaScript programming bundle and intro to PHP for web development this is not a great course of mine but it seems to be popular here so in 80 81 dollars there this one Ruby programming for everyone I'm also a short second a close second i should say 1700 minutes for $56 this linux one hardly anybody's watch maybe one person watch this or two people or something like that so not great for that one but it's not a very good course of mine it doesn't have very high enrollments anyway so no big deal finally

very quickly let's go back here and I just want to show you what we're seeing here the last day or so if we look at the actual stuff we're seeing this best seller coupon code and they're selling it like fourteen fifteen bucks and so well this one all I got three dollars but say this one fourteen I'm seeing a lot of these seven dollars and fifty cents or six seventy seven fifty eight dollars for this one so that's that's really helping the let's back up the price earned per course to be above this $5 and so you know I'm not sure exactly what this sale is but you know you can see all of yesterday the fourth and then even into today the fifth we're seeing these so today looks like it's gonna be a good day and that's cool one last thing it doesn't show up but right now maybe if I go to the instructor dashboard yeah here we go the new instructor communities are

on the way they're going live today at 8 a.m. it's 7:30 right now so in half an hour the community is gonna go live so tomorrow I'll probably talk about the new you to me instructor community what's in there we'll look all through it and see what's what I'm kind of excited about it but not really the first 200 people to sign up get a free t-shirt so I'm gonna try and jump in there and get the free t-shirt I don't really need a free t-shirt but it's free and it's a t-shirt so people like crazy right now in the Facebook you to me group people are going crazy they're like it's not open yet why isn't it open yet well it's gonna open at 8 o'clock well it's 6:00 in the morning why isn't it open well it's gonna open at 8 o'clock yeah but it's 6:30 now why isn't it open where's my free t-shirt people are just going crazy so it's very very active in that Facebook group right now so

weird okay so in this episode I want to spend just a few minutes talking about what you should do when other companies approach you and they will see your own udemy your very public your profile here is public and you'll get a lot of email especially the more courses you have you'll get email from other companies saying hey put your courses on our website and we'll pay you so what should you do when that happens well it's kind of hard to say because I've had luck and I've had not luck so one company I've sort of partnered with I made a small fortune with I made a lot of money and but 30 I'm like the only guy they have doing these type of courses and they have a very strong company and very strong they're an actual company right that's not usually the case usually these people are just like some person who threw up a wordpress website and is actively trying to get

content and they're like oh yeah you know we have 500,000 students they don't and you know if just a 1% of those sign up for your course you'll make all this money they won't you won't and that's usually the case and you can sort of tell by going to their website does it look professional does it look like you to me is it that same sort of professional look it won't be almost always and you can tell so Skillshare I think is one that's sort of I've talked about in the past um let me make sure let me pull this up here on my other monitor um yeah Skillshare yeah Skillshare is the sort of second-place website you Tamizh the first place website and you can actually make a little bit of money on Skillshare I've talked about this in other episodes so I do recommend you put all your videos up on on skill sure there's another one stack social if they contact you go for it you'll

make a couple thousand dollars most of the other ones though I find are just a complete waste of time you'll spend a lot of time uploading your videos and then they have your videos they can do anything they want with them really and you don't know who these people are and by and large you won't make any money now I have done probably a dozen of these with a dozen different companies and every once in a while I get a payment from like PayPal just out of the blue like so and so just paid you four dollars right and then I won't hear from them again for six months and then I'll get another payment oh so and so just paid you three dollars so you know you're not gonna make any real money for the most part now there are some like I said some notable differences Skillshare is a good one stack social if they contact you you'll make some money with

lynda.com they will actually fly you to their company and have you record videos right there make the right there if they asked you to do that it's probably a good idea there are some publishing companies that seem very legitimate but and they will pay you but I found to be a terror to work with a pact publishing is one of them they hired me to do some videos and they just they treated me horribly like they breached their contract over and over and over again they kept pushing they want to change after change after change even though the changes were nonsensical you know I would do a whole video like 45 minutes of video and they would say make it with a blue background and then I would make it with a blue background 45 minutes worth of video take me three days to do and then they would go that we don't like blue do it with a yellow background you said blue yeah but we

changed your mind do it over no I'm not you know it was almost that crazy they didn't actually say blue and yellow but it was almost that crazy so I will never work with that company again things like that so really it's just a matter of kind of jumping in using your best judgment if their website looks crappy don't do it real companies have good-looking websites you know it's very easy to have a good website if it's shady looking it's shady like if they can't spend a couple thousand dollars to make a website look professional they're not gonna pay you money they're just not so you know that's a good way to tell right off the bat but some some look very good because you can get a wordpress theme very cheaply if you know just a little bit you can make it look pretty good so some

of them look good but they don't have the traffic one of the big ones that I've seen several times is you know they say we're partnering with such-and-such University in Malaysia and they have two hundred thousand students and they're gonna funnel their students into our courses I've seen that or variations of that many times don't believe that that that never happens ever I had one from Sri Lanka we are partnering with the largest Sri Lanka University there's five hundred thousand students and they are all going to take your course not a single one took my course right things like that so you just have to sort of live and learn you'll get a good since after a while which ones are legitimate and which ones art almost all of them aren't you've heard of you to me have you heard of that other website that they're they're talking about no probably not well there's a reason why you

haven't heard of them right we've heard of Skillshare I'll go with Skillshare you know some other website No so sometimes oh here's a fun one sometimes I will agree upload one course of mine I won't ever upload all of them I'll upload one and then see what happens and nothing happens and then a year goes by and they contact me again hey would you like to host your videos on our website and I'll be like yeah I already do and it sucks go away like that's a fun one so you know we all like more money and your inclination is just blast out your videos to whoever will take them but you know it's a lot of work to upload your videos format them and to fill out you know titles and descriptions for every video if you spend four hours doing this and you earn zero of money from it you're gonna quickly sort of stop doing that in the future so I just use your best judgment and yeah

that's pretty much all there is to it so that's all for today's report if you liked this episode be sure to smash the like button below subscribe to the channel and check out Courserapy.com for more tips tricks and online course awesomeness my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com we'll see you again tomorrow morning.

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